Monday, June 10, 2013

Check all checkbox in webbrowser - Visual

      in this Tutorial i will teach you how to check all checkbox in webbrowser just Pretty easy to check all those checkbox
For each loop can solve this problem For each input mean every input that tag start with input example <input id="something" type="checkbox" value="click me"/></input>
if input get attribute type = "checkbox" then we set attribute it to checked = true
Hope Someone get help from These scrach
What you need

  1. A brain
  2. visual studio
  3. windows xp , vista , 7 or 8
  4. AND A webbrowser add to form

 Please Share this post if you like this Thanks
 On Error Resume Next
        For Each input As HtmlElement In               Me.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
            If input.GetAttribute("type") = "checkbox" Then
                input.SetAttribute("checked", "true")
            End If

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