Wednesday, June 12, 2013

How to Get Captcha from browser into picturebox - []

How to Get Captcha from browser into picturebox - []

in this Tutorial i will teach you how to get captcha from any site example is below this is easy way to get recaptcha on picturebox this statement should be used in webbrowser document completed event. on error resume next is like try catch
What should you need?
A Brain
Visual Studio
Windows XP , Vista , 7 , 8
Add browser on Form
And a Picturebox where captcha is loaded
set picturebox automatically

   If WebBrowser1.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then
            For Each Captcha As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.Images
                On Error Resume Next
                If            Captcha.GetAttribute("src").Contains("") Then
                End If
        End If

Thanks For reading my tutorial please 1+ / Share this post if you like it

Monday, June 10, 2013

Check all checkbox in webbrowser - Visual

      in this Tutorial i will teach you how to check all checkbox in webbrowser just Pretty easy to check all those checkbox
For each loop can solve this problem For each input mean every input that tag start with input example <input id="something" type="checkbox" value="click me"/></input>
if input get attribute type = "checkbox" then we set attribute it to checked = true
Hope Someone get help from These scrach
What you need

  1. A brain
  2. visual studio
  3. windows xp , vista , 7 or 8
  4. AND A webbrowser add to form

 Please Share this post if you like this Thanks
 On Error Resume Next
        For Each input As HtmlElement In               Me.WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
            If input.GetAttribute("type") = "checkbox" Then
                input.SetAttribute("checked", "true")
            End If

VIsual add A-Z Char into listbox With simple code

 in this tutorial i will teach you how to add A-Z Char into listbox with just simple code
For loop is really useful it save much time i is variable 65 to 90 because if you add 65+25 it is equal to 90
What you need

  1. A brain
  2. Visual Studio
  3. Windows XP , VISTA , 7 or 8
  4. and add a listbox into form
These Code Much help some one please 1+ it if you like my post
it is helpful when you are making software from scratch These Tutorial are little bit short but might help very much for newbee

  'Basically Character Start from 65 to 65 + 25 = 90 if you hold alt and press 65 is = A
        For i = 65 To 65 + 25

Visual Basic Reverse Text String Tutorial

 This Tutorial is pretty Easier And these are most important Statements when You are making tool from scratch this might help
What You will need?

  1.  A brain
  2.  Visual Studio
  3.  Windows XP , Vista , 7 , 8 
  4.  Add textbox and A button and A label

         Dim texttorreverse As String
        Dim strreversetext As [Char]()
        Dim array As Array
        texttorreverse = Me.TextBox1.Text
        strreversetext = texttorreverse.ToCharArray
        Me.lblResult.Text = strreversetext

Saturday, June 8, 2013

VIsual Basic.Net - Click Button/Set Value in Webbrowser Without ID [Solution]

      'Click on Html Button Without ID
        ' TAG                                Attribute
        ' |                                         |
        '<input type="password" class="inputtext" name="pass" tabindex="2">
        For Each Elements As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
            If Elements.GetAttribute("name") = "pass" Then

                'if You want to Set Value of this object Follow this
                Elements.SetAttribute("value", "Your Value Goes here")
            End If

VIsual Basic.Net - Click Button in Webbrowser Without ID

  • use google chrome Select html Element & Right Click on element 
  • then select inspect element 
  •  E.G <input type="password" class="inputtext" name="pass" tabindex="2">
  •  input is Tag name and attribute is anuy thing name,tabindex etc
  • You can see my picture and Code in my above provieded code/image/
  • You can Create bot of any kind 
  • Auto Browser Work With your provided instruction.
If you want any help about this Kindly email me My email located here 

VIsual Basic.Net - Click Button/Set Value in Webbrowser Without ID [Solution]

      'Click on Html Button Without ID
        ' TAG                                Attribute
        ' |                                         |
        '<input type="password" class="inputtext" name="pass" tabindex="2">
        For Each Elements As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.GetElementsByTagName("input")
            If Elements.GetAttribute("name") = "pass" Then

                'if You want to Set Value of this object Follow this
                Elements.SetAttribute("value", "Your Value Goes here")
            End If

VIsual Basic.Net - Click Button in Webbrowser Without ID

  • use google chrome Select html Element & Right Click on element 
  • then select inspect element 
  •  E.G <input type="password" class="inputtext" name="pass" tabindex="2">
  •  input is Tag name and attribute is anuy thing name,tabindex etc
  • You can see my picture and Code in my above provieded code/image/
  • You can Create bot of any kind 
  • Auto Browser Work With your provided instruction.
If you want any help about this Kindly email me My email located here